
June 2020 Special, Learn about SILEO.

By June 1, 2020 No Comments

3-image collage depicting fireworks, a concerned dog, and lightning

Hurricane, thunderstorm and fireworks season is here.

Microchipping saves lives!  

$29 Microchips, includes registration. 

A microchip is a permanent way to keep your dog safe when disaster strikes. Now is a great time to check that your dog’s microchip information is up-to-date.

Your cat or dog’s microchip implant gives your pet the best chance of returning home to you if lost. However, a microchip must be registered along with your current contact information in order to identify you as your pet’s parent and contact you. Remember as long as there are pets, even those belonging to the most responsible parents, they will go missing.

Call us at 561-966-1171 to schedule an appointment.

When noise hurts, SILEO can help.
Did you know that at least one in three dogs suffer from noise aversion?  Your dog could be suffering in silence. But here’s the good news: There’s an at-home treatment that can help.
First, look for the signs. Does your dog react to loud noises (fireworks, thunder, construction noise or street noise) with any of the following behaviors?
Pacing, Trembling or shaking, Hiding, Restlessness, Cowering, Lip licking, Refuses to eat. Yawning, Excessive vigilance/hypervigilance, Vocalizing (whining or barking at the sounds), Brow furrowed and ears back, Owner seeking behavior and abnormal clinginess, Freezing or immobility.
When to give your dog SILEO
The first dose can be given:
  1. Approximately 30–60 minutes before the noise event
  2. As soon as your dog shows signs of anxiety or fear related to noise
  3. Whenever you hear a noise that causes your dog to be fearful or anxious
It takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour for SILEO to take full effect, and it typically lasts 2 to 3 hours. If the noise continues and the behavioral changes recur, further doses can be given at intervals of 2 hours, up to a total of five times during each noise event, as needed. Do not give another dose of SILEO if your dog appears sedated from the previous dose.
SILEO gel comes preloaded in a multidose oral syringe.
With each dose, SILEO is absorbed into the tissues of the mouth through mucous membranes. It should not be swallowed. If your dog swallows SILEO, allow at least 2 hours before applying the next dose.
For more information click here
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